Virtual / Remote Training with Jarrold Training

Being able to join a meeting or attend training from anywhere is a liberating experience. You can be anywhere you feel comfortable or is convenient, especially during this difficult time for our home and work lives.

Zoom is our main platform for all our virtual course.

See how you can Join Us on Zoom


We can also use Microsoft Teams on request for closed courses.

See how you can Join Us on Teams


We understand that if you’ve never worked like this, or worse, you’ve tried and it didn’t work, then questions like: Do I have the right equipment? or What if I don’t have enough technical knowledge? may come up. We are using Zoom and Teams as our platforms and there are some basic requirements but it is not complicated and we are here to help.

Remote training is just as productive and makes some things possible that wouldn’t work in a classroom-based course. For example, during one of our recent Management training sessions a customer shared their screen to show how Microsoft Planner neatly provided a solution to an organisational issue. All members of the group then benefit from this knowledge, which wouldn’t have been as easily explained in words to the same group sitting around a table in our Conference room.

We could always do a quick test before the training so you can see it working, just email us on and see if one of us is free!

For further enquires, please email us on


Get in touch

01603 677107
