Filmmaking for Business with Adobe Express – Beginners

Prices from £300

Course duration 1 day

Course overview

This course focuses on teaching businesses how to make better, more engaging self-made videos. From best smartphone filmmaking practices, to planning, storyboarding, scripting, editing and where best to publish for maximum effect. 

Video doesn’t have to be an expensive medium for businesses these days. With smart phones at hand, more and more people are doing it for themselves. And with over half of marketing professionals worldwide naming video as the type of content with the best ROI, why wouldn't you be set to hit the record button? Think about it; when was the last time you didn't see video content when picking up your smartphone? 

This course is run by multi award winning filmmaker and visual marketeer Paul McGhie. Paul has a created viral DIY videos that have amassed over 2 million views combined and has taught filmmaking and storytelling to professionals, students and marketeers for over 10 years.  Paul believes effective and engaging filmmaking is built upon simple and easy to understand practices, combined with the right creative approach that doesn’t need to cost the earth.

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+441603 677107
