Introduction to Health and Safety in the Workplace Online

Prices from £125

Course duration 2 hours

Course overview

This package of 5 RoSPA approved* online elearning courses delivers awareness training for all your employees' requirements to stay safe in the workplace. These engaging, interactive online courses ensure that the training received is effective and delivered in a “no nonsense” way. This package of courses include:

  • Display Screen Equipment
  • Health and Safety - In the Office
  • Risks and responsibilities
  • Manual Handling
  • Stress at Work

Access: 12 months
Certificate: Completion certificate after each course

* These eLearning courses only provides awareness education. Face to face training would be needed in addition in order to complete the all-round skills and knowledge to be able to carry this forward practically in your organisation.

Multi-booking discounts are available on this package. Please contact us for more details.



What will I learn?

Detailed course content

Benefits of eLearning

Health and Safety Brochure

We have a large selection of courses, covering all areas of Health and Safety training.

Download the brochure now


For help and advice choosing the right course for you, call us on 01603 677107 or email

*All fields are required

Get in touch

01603 677107
