Insights Discovery Profile, Feedback and Executive Coaching

Prices from £449

Session overview

Using Jung’s typology, the Insights Discovery profiling system offers a framework for self-understanding and development which has been utilised and engaged with by thousands of companies and millions of individuals around the world.

Research suggests that a fundamental understanding of self, both strengths and weaknesses, enables individuals to develop effective strategies for interaction that can help them to better respond to the demands of their environment.

After having taken a short on-line session where you will be encouraged to think about yourself from a work perspective and with absolute honesty you will receive your profile during a guided session with one of our Insights Discovery Licensed Practitioners. Generated from several hundred thousand permutations of statements you will receive a unique profile to you. 

Insights Discovery is the perfect model for understanding yourself and how you might be perceived. Within the team environment the system allows us to recognise strengths and preferences of behaviour within each other.

With the Profile as a foundation to the conversation, you will be able to discuss your own particular organisational challenges in a safe coaching environment. Not only are our coaches Licensed Practitioners of the Insights Discovery system, they are ILM course leaders and individuals with varied business careers, expertly positioned to act as a coach, or mentor, to your situation.

Insights Discovery Profile, Feedback and Executive Coaching

What to expect?


Insights Discovery® Profiles

The Insights Discovery Profile is a practical personal development tool which gives you a powerful insight into yourself and others.

Find out more


For help and advice choosing the right course for you, call us on 01603 677107 or email

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01603 677107
