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School Mock Assessment Centre Competition

On Wednesday 10th January 2018 Jarrold Training were delighted to run a second enhanced mock assessment centre for schools. The first event in January 2017 was run in partnership with Framingham Earl school and was a great success. This year, with the support of South Norfolk Council, Norfolk County Council and New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership we were able to extend the opportunity to more schools, by holding a bigger and better event.

Four Norfolk schools, Archbishop Sancroft, Fakenham Academy, Framingham Earl and Wymondham College sent students who had been through a mock application process to compete for a job as a Graduate Trainee in the fictional company of Baylay Corp. Representatives of the company had presented the opportunity at school assemblies towards the end of 2017 to sell the concept to the young people.

31 students got through the official first stages, at their schools, to arrive at Jarrold Training’s main venue in Norwich for a day of rigorous assessment testing. Teachers were also here to observe the day and support their students.

Elliot Symonds, Jarrold Training, built upon assessment centres he used to run for a blue chip organisation when recruiting graduates. Since then Jarrold Training have run mock assessment centres for the UEA to help support graduates. Offering it to Year 10 and 11 students as an enrichment day, enriched everyone who was involved.

Local companies supported the event with ‘real’ business people, who truly do interview and assess potential candidates, to bring true authenticity to the day. Staff from Jarrold Training, Arnolds Keys, Beechmount, Brancaster House, Network Christina, Osiris Technologies and REEF Recruitment gave up their time to act as assessors with people from South Norfolk Council, Norfolk County Council and New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership.

Students were thoroughly assessed against a strict criteria for values and behaviours in four exercises.

They had to attend a one to one interview, present on a subject they were passionate about in front of an audience, and take part in two group exercises designed to challenge the mind and bring out certain behaviours.

All the assessment results were tabulated on the day and awards presented to the top ten students by the Chairman of South Norfolk Council, Barry Duffin. Prizes included trophies for the top school, which was won by Wymondham College, and top student, which was won by Grace Molenaar of Archbishop Sancroft.

There were certificates of attendance for all students, plus they will all receive specific one to one feedback, should they desire it.

To hear one young lad say that it had been the best day of his life and one assessor saying how much it had taught him, was wonderful but there were hundreds of special moments as the Norfolk community came together to build something brilliant.

Special thanks goes to Hannah Colledge of the Enterprise Advisor Network and Norfolk Council as well as to Sarah Cooke and Mike Pursehouse of South Norfolk Council who did so much to enhance the day with their drive, energy and financial backing.

It was a busy and rewarding day but entirely in line with our ethos of Learn, Develop, Be Brilliant.


More pictures from the event

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