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Relational Change – An Evening with Liz Wiggins

Thursday 20 April, 6.30pm at Jarrold Book Department

The process of change in all organizations can be overwhelming and unpredictable, both for those experiencing change and for those charged with its implementation.

‘Relational Change’ offers a refreshingly new and human way of understanding change and organizations. It encourages us to pay close attention to personal interactions and relationships which lie at the heart of effective and sustainable change programmes.

The style of the book is readable and accessible. It is packed full of practical ideas and wisdom that will resonate with your own experience of change, whether as a new or experienced leader.

Liz is Associate Professor of Change and Leadership at Ashridge, now part of Hult International Business School. She will present her book and discuss the concepts with Charles Baylay, Leadership Coach at Jarrold Training.

This is a joint Jarrold Training / Jarrold Department store event.

Tickets £5, available online or at Jarrold Department Store, Customer Services, Floor 2

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