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ETIP Funding

This funding programme has now closed. Further grant schemes coming soon.

(Last updated 21.12.21)


Norfolk County Council’s Employer Training Incentive Programme (ETIP) is offering grants to fund up to 75% of your training costs, up to £1,500 grant value in total per business. There is no limit on the number of employees you can train within the £1500 maximum award.

The funding is for both digital and face to face training, and includes mandatory training. 50% of the total training cost is paid in advance of the training, with 25% paid on completion and evaluation.  A contribution of 25% is required from the employer.

Training must be used to enhance productivity, efficiency or effectiveness, and be proven to assist with employee retention, and all training for the ETIP grants must be delivered by UK based trainers – and preferably a local training company!

It can fund:

  • both accredited and non-accredited training up to Level 3, or modules thereof. (Accredited training has a Qualification and Credit Framework Level – ask your training provider for clarification);
  • mandatory or optional training;
  • online-only, face-to-face or blended learning.
  • Your training must be delivered from a UK organisation, using a local trainer (where possible) though you cannot use an ETIP grant to fund training delivered by your own organisation.
  • All training must start before 30.06.22.
  • You must be an SME with less than 250 employees and based in Norfolk.
  • You should have identified and contacted your training provider to find out about the course and when it is running.

You can apply for a ETIP grant today for:

  • Accredited qualifications at Levels 1-3
  • Non-accredited training

To find out more, call us on 01603 677107 or email us at

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