
How to choose the right coach

You may not know that Jarrold Training provide an expert range of coaches to provide solutions to specific issues. Whether it be a long term supportive mentor, a shorter intervention over a couple of sessions in regards to a particular business improvement issue or being a guide around stress management, Jarrold Training have talented and experienced coaches to help you.

So what makes a great coach?

Well I often like to quote ‘The Art of War’ by Sun Tzu…when I say quote I really mean paraphrase and reference… and there is one particular element from that classic book that I adore. Sun Tzu talks about two elite military units that existed within the forces at his disposal.

One of these groups was named ‘The Leapers and Agitators’ …

… and the other ‘The Dissolvers of Difficulty’.

Just think about that for a while.

Ancient Special Forces existed with names like that! Not modern terms like Alpha Squad or B Company but ‘The Leapers and Agitators’ and ‘The Dissolvers of Difficulty’….well a great coach would have elements of both of those skills. They need to motivate you into taking action but done in a way which gets to the root cause of issues and helps you to find a way through to effect change.

Of course you need to choose a coach who can answer questions and evidence results that they have achieved with other clients, but there is also the ever important element of being comfortable with them enough to be challenged in a positive way. John Keller talked about an ARCS cycle which talks of ‘Attention, Relevance, Confidence and Satisfaction’ and a good coach will take you through all those stages as a model of motivation.

So if you don’t know a coach already then you either have to be matched with one or select one yourself. While someone might really recommend an individual, they might not ‘feel’ right for you. So a good way would be to have an initial ‘chemistry meeting’.

Well here at Jarrold Training we are planning an event where you can meet and network with a variety of handpicked coaches. It will give you the opportunity to meet lots of the coaches in a speed networking format, and while we know that has connotations of ‘speed-dating’, it is a fun and effective method that works. You have to know that your coach is credible and qualified, but you probably have to ‘like’ them as well. So this event will be a brilliant way to find out.

So what do you think? Would you like to come to an event where East Anglia’s finest business coaches are all at the same place at the same time? Would you like to have an opportunity to meet the talent on display in a relaxed setting? While Jarrold Training will never be a dating agency we do like to see our coaching relationships blossom and bear fruitful results. Please do let me know what you think.

By Elliot at Jarrold Training

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